7 Ways to Connect with Your Salon Clients

 In Salon Suite News

There are seven things that you can do as a business owner to establish and cultivate lasting relationships.

1. Connect with People

This is where you introduce your salon to new clients through offline and online marketing or where they discover your brand through some other means, such as a personal referral from someone they know. This is also where that first spark of attraction is generated, which creates curiosity (the motivation for the client to find out more about your salon suite.

2. Connect the Dots

This is the point where you have listened and are able to connect the dots between the client’s needs and your products and solutions, and successfully communicate this to them.

3. Rise to the Top

Prospective clients may be considering multiple options. Rising to the top is about telling them why your salon is the best choice for them, not just a good choice. In marketing this is often referred to as differentiation, or the things that set your brand apart from any other option.

4. Minimize Risk

You already know that some people are bold and brave when it comes to beauty services and others are reluctant to take risks or make changes. Demonstrate your expertise, build trust and inspire confidence to minimize any perceived risk a client has in switching to your salon suite or trying a new service or product.

5. Set the Expectation of Success

It’s not just about minimizing risk. To get prospects or existing clients to take actions you want them to take, they must also be persuaded that the results will be worthwhile. This is also an area where perceived value comes into play, since results may not just be measured in actual outcomes, but in whether a client perceives that they are getting the better end of the deal; i.e., they are getting the most bang for their buck.

6. Educate

Many of your salon suite clients want you to do more than fulfill what was discussed during a consultation or delivering the same service appointment after appointment. They are also looking to you – as the expert – for new ideas and information that can help them continually improve their look and outcomes. Based on what you know about each client, you can even put a plan together so that you have a continuing dialogue at each appointment about products and services. You can also reinforce this conversation in between appointments with email and social media marketing.

7. Collaborate

More and more consumers choose to do business with stylists that not only personalize services but also collaborate. This is about making the client feel like they are a true partner in the process, giving them the ability to feel like they had a part in defining their salon experience and results.

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